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World Password Day

Green passwords and code scroll vertically on a page.

‘Change your passwords’ they all say
especially on ‘World Password Day’
but what’s the point? I just don’t see
I’m safe in my security!

I’m “monkey”, “dragon” in the mix
I’m “1,2,3,4,5, (and) 6”
I’m “qwert”, “azerty”, “123”
I’m “princess”, “sunshine”, “ABC”
I’m “trustno1”, I’m “iloveyou”
I’m “12121 (and) 2”
I’m “password”, “password123”
I’m “pokemon”, I’m “anthony”
I’m “liverpool” and I’m “westham”
I’m “football” and I’m “totten-HAM”
I’m “orange”, “ninja”, “lollipop”
I’m “qwerty with “U.I.” and “op”
I’m “london”, I am “pakistan”
I’m “tinkerbell”, I’m “superman”
I’m “letmein”, I’m “letmeout”
I’m “jesus”, “thomas” without doubt

‘World Password Day’ will trend then fade
But not the passwords that I’ve made
I know each one, but never knew
So does he and her and you

Mark Bird ©2022

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