Just over two years ago, an 8 year old boy's mum got in touch to say how her son liked my poetry and had chosen to perform my poem 'A Bag Called Me' on his Youtube channel.
His name is Charles Nicol and I was overwhelmed with his performance.
Charles is now 10 and writes his own poems. He is an incredible talent. I couldn't write poems like this at his age. I'm not sure I can now!
See Charles read his powerful poem, Truce Between The Trenches, a Winter's Dream 1914 below. At the end of the video, Charles tells us more about the inspiration behind his work: Truce Between The Trenches, a Winter's Dream 1914.
Please show him some love and positivity in the Comments box below and help nurture an obvious talent. Go Charles!
Truce Between The Trenches, a Winter's Dream 1914 by Charles Nicol
A powerful poem, Charles. I hope you continue on your literary path and that it leads to bigger and greater opportunities. You’ve certainly taken a bold and creative first step.
A super poem Charles so well-written and delivered. I love war poetry and think you captured the feel of this era and spirit of Christmas remarkably, Keep writing poetry. Kathryn Beevor Poet
Brilliant poem Charles
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