I've been teaching for thirty years ... and one theme is eternal: LOVE!
I often end up teaching Year 6. To see them toe-dipping into an unchartered sea of love never fails to inspire me and transport me back to a time, when I was living my own toe-dipping ten year old life... so here's my poem about young love in its infancy.
10 Year Old Love
I try to know
as I grow
how I show
I’m in love
We meet at play
How do I say
I’m in love?
The rules are new
What do I do?
I have no clue
I’m in love!
In maths I beam
her smile it seems
just like a dream
I’m in love!
A lunchtime date
She’s more than great
Not like my mates
I’m in love!
The sun’s above
What’s puppy love?
We push and shove
I’m in love!
In Hometime’s line
Her grin’s a sign
And so is mine
We’re in love!
Mark Bird