I'm not sure where these words and sentiments came from tonight... somewhere deep inside I suppose. It's definitely inspired by moments in my own life and in the lives of young minds I've had the honour of working with.
I hope you can relate to this mental health poem for students. #mentalhealth
Lie Out Loud
I cry alone
But dance in crowds
I whisper truth
But lie out loud
I hide my hope
But make believe
I dare to dream
But daren’t achieve
I lose my smile
But play at bliss
I take my aim
But often miss
I walk so weak
But fake my force
I proudly speak
But hear remorse
I scream inside
But battle brave
I delve down deep
But I’m not saved
I cry alone
But dance in crowds
I whisper truth
But lie out loud
Mark Bird

Photo by Nik Shuliahin on Unsplash