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As a teacher and poet, I wanted to write something to help children explore the power of synonyms in a fun and engaging way.
You could get your class of children to become chefs and write their own Giggle Cafe Menu. After that, the possibilities are endless...
The Anger Cafe Menu
The Happy Cafe Menu
The Sad Cafe Menu
The Smelly Cafe Menu
The Disgusting Cafe Menu
The Slimy Cafe Menu etc etc etc
Let me know in the comments box if your fun favourite is missing from the laugh synonym menu.
The Giggle Café Menu
A Chortle of Cheese
with Dollops of Chuckle Chutney
A Titter of Tuna
with a Squirt of Lemon Jest
Guffaws of Goulash
with Cubed Chunks of Snigger
Shrieks of Spaghetti
seasoned with Tee-Hee and Ha-Ha
Cackle Cake
with scoops of Strawberry Laughter
Jellied Jokes
sprinkled with Chocolate Giggles
Chef: Mark ‘Larking’ Bird
A day after I posted this on Twitter/ X, brilliant #kidlit author Stefan Karlsson responded to my poem and decided to dine out at The Giggle Cafe using his own delectable, delicious words.
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