Your Choice! Your Voice!
Your Choice. Your Voice
(Can be read downwards or across - Your choice!)
How do you choose ...................... Peep. Dig Deep!
when you have no choice? ............. Divulge your choice.
How do you speak ........................ War cry. Roar!
when you have no voice? ............... Reveal your voice.
How do you fight .......................... Spar with scars!
when you have no force? ............... Secure your force.
How do you race .......................... Stride. Pluck pride!
when you have no course? .............. Project your course.
How do you rise .............................Try. Defy!
when you have no fall? ................... Defend your fall.
How do you climb ......................... Brick by brick!
when you have no wall? ................. Build tall your wall.
............................... Contend! Ascend! ...........................
.......................... Climb high! Don’t stop! .........................
.......................... Your choice! Your voice! ........................
................................ Belongs on top! .............................
©2021 Mark Bird